Teaching Assistant
www: http://lab.fs.uni-lj.si/lanem/~zavodnik.html
e-mail: jan.zavodnik(at)fs.uni-lj.si
Phone.: +386 1 4771 517
Office: IV/1
AUTHORS: J. Zavodnik , Y. Wang, W. Yan, M. Brojan, M. K. Jawed
JOURNAL: Advanced Materials Technologies, Vol. n/a, n/a (2023)
AUTHORS: J. Zavodnik , A. Košmrlj, M. Brojan
JOURNAL: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 173, 105219 1-18 (2023)
Teaching Assistant
www: http://lab.fs.uni-lj.si/lanem/~zavodnik.html
e-mail: jan.zavodnik(at)fs.uni-lj.si
Phone.: +386 1 4771 517
Office: IV/1
Employments & Positions
2. Soft Kirigami Composites for Form-Finding of Fully Flexible Deployables
J. Zavodnik , Y. Wang, W. Yan, M. Brojan, M. K. Jawed
[PDF] [www]Advanced Materials Technologies, Vol. n/a, n/a (2023)
1. Rate-dependent evolution of wrinkling films due to growth on semi-infinite planar viscoelastic substrates
J. Zavodnik , A. Košmrlj, M. Brojan
[PDF] [www]Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 173, 105219 1-18 (2023)